Gregory Dodd
Web DeveloperHi! My name is Gregory Dodd, but you can call me Greg. I'm a Sr. Web Developer and have built great websites and web applications for the past 5+ years. I enjoy developing functional experiences for the millions of users on the web. I'll be happy to demonstrate how I can help build a functional experience for your next web or mobile application.
The following are a list of projects I have worked on from past opportunities. Some have case studies in which I explain some of tasks and situations I've had to resolve, and some are direct links to the source code of scripts I have written.
Questionnaire Processor App
A demo application for a patient questionnaire. Insurance companies would use the results to help verify billing requirements.
Tech Used:
Questionnaire Processor API
The backend API that powers the questionnaire processor API, written in PHP.
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GPA Express App
A small project I developed to apply some knowledge of Angular. It's a CRUD app that takes data about a student and outputs the results in a table.
Tech Used:
GPA Express API
The backend for the GPA Express App. This backend simply stores the information sent into a database so that the user can view previous entries submitted.
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Broward Outpatient
Web development of a website for Broward Outpatient. Used to educate visitors of the medical facility and doctors they offer.
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Atlantic Spine Center
Web development of a website for Atlantic Spine Center. Used to inform visitors of the benefits of minimally invasive spine surgery and how their medical center provide options.
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Disc Replacement
Web development of a website for Manhattan Orthopedic Spine. Used to educate visitors who have been recommended spine surgery of their options.